Artifacts and Evidence

  1. Process
    • Throughout this course it was necessary for students to use a variety of methods and processes in order to create original documents. This SLO challenged me as I had to learn how use new forms of technology I had no previous experience but strengthened my writing ability as I now possess new tools to create documents that engage readers virtually. In “DD13HW2: Design Your Website” I learned how to create flow charts on MindMap, an online flowchart creation tool. Using a flowchart to create this website was a new process for me, but this process taught me how to visualize my documents before beginning them.
  2. Information Management
    • The ability to compile and manage a wide array of information was an important aspect of this course. In creating our research report, each individual had to research the web and find documents and articles pertaining to Danish business culture. We created a team annotated bibliography that housed all of our sources and provided descriptions of how each source was pertinent to our research report. This SLO challenged me to find new methods of information gathering and I learned how to properly operate the University Library’s website to find the best articles and documents
  3. Multimodal
    • Since this class was online, it was necessary for students to be able to work and engage with documents across a wide variety of platforms, most of which were virtual. In “DD13HW1: Analyze Sample Professional Websites” I had to first find professional websites online and then engage and critique those websites. This assignment challenged me to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various websites and I learned how to interact with documents that are housed in a variety of online mediums
  4. Collaborative
    • The Cultural Communications Research Report was the seminal assignment which engaged students collaboratively. In groups of four, students had to work together to create a comprehensive research report dealing with an individual international market. The group I was a part of focused on Danish Business culture, and by working with my group mates I learned new methods of collaboration. Our group was challenged to find new methods of workload division, peer-to-peer editing and methods of meeting.
  5. Reflect/Transfer
    • Reflecting on our work was a major component of this course. Students were expected to transfer what they had learned from the assignments into long term knowledge. The “Job Application Packet Reflection Paper” is a good example of my personal reflection on our first project. Reflection taught me to think about my work after it was completed to cement new knowledge in my mind.
  6. Rhetoric
    • Students were expected to understand and fully utilize the various rhetorical strategies present in various types of business writing. In creating my Job Application Packet, I was challenged to learn all the various needed rhetorical components of an effective resume. From written content to physical layout, I incorporated all the various components needed to engage my audience of potential employers.
  7. Ethics
    • As a class which deals with writing in the workplace, ethics were a major area of concern. Students were required to observe the moral and legal obligations present in professional workplace settings and writing. An example of this from my writing can be found in  “DD10HW3: Reflection on Source Integration.” In this assignment I reflect on the integration of sources in the collaborative research report as there is a legal and ethical obligation to cite your sources when writing. Through this assignment I learned that when it comes to writing in the workplace I must remember all of the moral and ethical requirements.